Mamy przyjemność ogłosić kolejny konkurs, którego fundatorem jest absolwent Zielonego Liceum, pan profesor Tomasz Wielicki. Do wygrania nagroda wysokości 500 zł!

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Dear Friends,

The song you were just listening to was very popular when I was your age. We were singing it by the campfire at the boy scout camps by the lake, and during our parties. This song never lost its message and its relevance over all these years. And this is exactly what this exercise is all about: truly GOOD SONG must have a MESSAGE, which is so wise, that it never loses its RELEVANCE. Such are the only songs worth remembering.

Your task consists of answering 3 questions (10 pts each) and writing one page essay (70 pts). The best work will be awarded with 500 zl.


1. What is the name of the author of this song (both music and lyrics)?

2. When and where this song was first published?

3. The author of this song received a very prestigious international award usually not given to pop singers. What was the award and when did he receive it?


Write a one-page essay addressing the following questions: why is this song still relevant in today’s geopolitical situation? How would you explain its relevance to some of your classmates from Ukraine who are walking today in the hallways of the Green Highschool in Milicz? Which verses of the song do you think would really speak to them and why?


Tomek Wielicki

Klasa XIa


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